This report published by the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) describes and explains relationships among contraceptive use and demographic outcomes. In addition to a deeper understanding of the population dynamics surrounding this issue, the short report helps readers understand why programs that extend contraception to populations may succeed or fail. The report summarizes the ways in which changes in fertility relate to changes in mortality, as well as the implications that a low birth rate has for raising children, their education, and broader social and economic development. Exploring the intricacies of population dynamics through the lens of contraceptive use and family planning remains essential, because it shapes the labor force, public and private investments, and the economy – thereby influencing the increasingly interconnected world in which we live. The report is accompanied by a brief explanatory video by John Ross, an eminent demographer and author of the report.
Ross J. The Dynamics of Family Planning: Key Demographic Insights. Population Reference Bureau 2017.
Copy SourceThe Population Reference Bureau (PRB) is a private, nonprofit organization focused on conducting and using …
The Population Reference Bureau (PRB) is a private, nonprofit organization focused on conducting and using demographic data analysis to inform the public about the population, health, and the environment and to engage researchers, policy makers, and advocates with evidence on these issues. The PRB has several ongoing projects and initiatives in the United States and internationally with partners in the government, nonprofit, research, business, and philanthropy sectors. The PRB produces large data sheets and data…
Child/Neonatal | Maternal/Reproductive | Nutrition/Health | Environmental Risks | Population Dynamics | Poverty/Vulnerability | Global | Adolescent | Aging | Gender | Rural | Urban
Publication 2021 Uncertain Pathways: How Gender Shapes the Experiences of Children on the Move This report from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) explores the role that gender plays …This report from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) explores the role that gender plays for migrant and displaced children worldwide through each phase of the migration process, from the motivations influencing migration to the risks experienced in transit. With over 35 million children living outside their home country globally, including refugees, asylum seekers, and international migrants, the report seeks to examine how gender and childhood migration intersect. The report presents key findings on the…
Child/Neonatal | Human Rights/Equity | Population Dynamics | Global | Adolescent | Displaced | Gender | Migrant | Refugee
Publication 2022 COVID-19 and the State of Global Mobility in 2021This report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) …
This report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on border management and human mobility in 2021. The findings highlight that regular mobility increased in 2021 but remained under pre-pandemic levels. The reasons are complex: Continued global vaccine inequities influenced who could meet vaccine requirements for travel. Furthermore, the costs of travel have increased and widened the already present gap of who…
Infectious Disease | Human Rights/Equity | Population Dynamics | Humanitarian Sector | Economics/Finance | Government/Law | Global | Displaced | Migrant | Refugee
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